Video Submissions
We know the feeling of uploading a video only to wait and wait and wait to know if our hard work is accepted. On this site, we trust you have good things in mind, and our thoughts are good toward you. You may upload whatever videos you like instantly. Naturally we want you to trust us also in knowing that we only want good content here. Do good to us and we'll do good to you. Is that fair? We think so. Hurt us once and your account will be removed instantly. Fair enough? We think so.
Anyone can register here to watch videos and learn. However, members who submit videos must understand that videos must not share anything that is contrary to scripture. We observe all 10 commandments of Yehovah including the 4th commandment to keep Sabbath on the 7th day of the week (Saturday). Our primary focus is on the first and second commandments. To love Yehovah which means to obey him and to love our neighbor as our self.Behavior
Behaviors contrary to sound doctrine and the behavior Yeshua the Messiah portrayed are not accepted here. Unless you are born again we will not accept your videos. Videos that serve to excite people in their emotions such as hype is not what Messiah did and is viewed as charismatic witchcraft. Charismatic witchcraft is exerting ungodly influence through carnal powers of charisma to seduce someone to think or act according to your will. Have you ever heard someone say, “He’s got a magical smile.” That’s another way of saying, “He’s got charisma.” Charisma is “a personal magic of leadership arousing special popular loyalty or enthusiasm,” according to Merriam-Webster’s dictionary, and “a special magnetic charm or appeal.” It's not biblical, it's not the Holy Spirit working in you and it's not allowed here. We are told in scripture, "Come, let us reason together." Isaiah 1:18
To keep the site safe we have to add this line. We reserve the right to remove any member for no reason. Access to this site does not constitute a continued obligation to provide service.