You might not live in New York but they want to do this nation wide.
Assembly Bill A 8378 need this for school
Bill A279a/S75a State Database
Bill A 7829/S6495 Need for college
Bill A 2240/S45 Need for school and preschool and daycare Assembly
Bill A8398 no exemptions for work or college
Bill A 3091/S3041 Eliminates parent's consent
Bill A 822/S931 Eliminates parent's consent for this (Something else)
A416 Governor can imprison you without trial if your a public health threat.
Assembly member Patrick Burke's bill eliminate access to health insurance if you do not have this.
- Category
- Plandemic
- Tags
- New York, vaccination, constitutional rights, governer cuomo, covid 19, pandemic, plandemic
They are already doing some of these things, not state wide, but at individual institutions like colleges/universities, hospitals, that sort of thing. But it is all quite scary, especially as a widow living alone. I live in a rural town, but I do live in town. I wish I had the wherewithal to go live up in the mountains somewhere or to one of those safer states. I live in Missouri, not too bad here, but let’s face it, of these things will be nationwide and worldwide in the not too distant future.